House District 22 Choses a Nominating Method

Suprise Turn by Committee Members Gives Candidates a Primary

Author: Special Report Published on: February 23, 2021

At the House District 22 Legislative District Committee [LDC] meeting on February 22, the board unanimously voted for a state-run primary in the race between Kathy Byron and Isaiah Knight. Byron, the incumbent, has been a member of the Virginia House of Delegates since 1998. Knight, her challenger and a long time Republican activist, currently serves as the elected Director of Peaks of Otter Soil & Water Conservation District.

The decision for a primary came as a surprise since some members of the Legislative District Committee have been vocal advocates of Party-run nominating methods. Two voting members, Tim Griffin and Rick Boyer, have a history of vocal supporters for conventions.

Tim Griffin, an election attorney for the Thomas Moore Society, is known for filing suits challenging the 2020 election results. Rick Boyer, a long time grass-roots activist and vocal convention advocate is known for voicing his strong support for the contentions 5th District process in 2020.

Both gentleman voted in favor of allowing the state to handle the party’s nomination through a primary, breaking with their previous record and passing the decision unanimously. We thank both of these strong Conservatives for listening to the grassroots in their House District 22 and choosing a method in which all Republicans can safely and easily participate.